Saturday, May 1, 2010

Music technology

The technology for music production has changed dramatically in the past 50 years, however the instruments and talent required to produce respectable music has not. An electric guitar, drums, bass, for example are the most popular instruments for consumers to purchase today, however the technology hasn't changed since the sixties. Zildjan cymbals have been around for hundreds of years!
The processing and equipment used in the recording of music, however, is extremely high tech and is very expensive. Im not really sure where I am going with this but perhaps someone might want to popularize a new instrument. The barrier to entry as you may guess is pretty high.

This is my last blog post and I will miss it dearly.

Sgnig out. Yours truly,

mike rudolph

What is the best way to advertise?

Free stuff? Possibly free food? Viral maketing? The interweb? Nude girls? Balloons? Spotlights? Steel drums? Cotton candy? Jousting? Carnival rides? Posters? Flash mobs? TV commercials? Blog posts? Catchy tunes? Famous people endorsement? National disasters? Photography?

The world may never know the most successful marketing strategy. Mainly because it's very cicumstantial.

Probably cotton candy, though....

To specialize or not?

I was with my girlfriend at a place in Charlottesville VA that specializes in the "Gus burger" which is basically a cheeseburger with a fried egg on top. As I drunkenly waited for my Gus Burger with bacon, I pondered whether it's better to specialize in one product and be really good and well known for it versus having a decent selection of products.

I am convinced that if you want to make MOanaeY, then you do one thing efficiently an just pump them out to the crowds. It's like canyon pizza or Ritas Italian ice. You can just concentrate one one thing, but it has to be done right. Keeping it sime is morey style, I think.